Crimes Involving Threats or Violence

S=Summary H=Hybrid I=Indictable

Offence description Criminal Code Section S/H/I Minimum penalty Discharge available Maximum Penalty
Maximum Penalty
Threat to cause death or harm 264.1 H   yes 2 yrs./
$5,000 fine
5 yrs.
Criminal harassment 264 H   yes 2 yrs./
$5,000 fine
10 yrs.
Assault 266 H   yes 2 yrs./
$5,000 fine
5 yrs.
Assault causing bodily harm or with weapon or choking, suffocation or strangulation 267 H   yes 2 yrs./
$5,000 fine
10 yrs.
Assault police officer, resist arrest 270 H   yes 2 yrs./
$5,000 fine
5 yrs.
Aggravated assault 268 I       14 yrs.
Sexual assault 271 H if complainant under 16, 1 yr. (by indictment)
or 6 mos. (by summary conviction)
yes but not if complainant under 16 18 mos. or if complainant is under 16, 2 yrs. less a day/
$5,000 fine
10 yrs. or if complainant under 16, 14 yrs.
Sexual assault involving weapon (other than firearm), threats, causing bodily harm, or choking, suffocation or strangulation 272(1) I if complainant under 16, 5 yrs.     14 yrs., or if complainant under 16, life
Sexual assault with weapon, threats, causing bodily harm or involving choking, suffocation or strangulation (firearm used) 272(2) I 4 yrs.; if restricted or prohibited firearm is used, or any firearm and the offence is for the benefit of, at the direction of, or in association with criminal organization, 5 yrs., or for a subsequent offence, 7 yrs.     14 yrs.
Aggravated sexual assault (no firearm) 273(1) I if complainant under 16, 5 yrs.     life
Aggravated sexual assault (use of firearm) 273(1) I 4 yrs.; if restricted or prohibited firearm is used, or any firearm and the offence is for the benefit of, at the direction of, or in association with criminal organization, 5 yrs., or for a subsequent offence, 7 yrs.     life

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